Fraternity History

Beta Upsilon Chi was formed at The University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 1985 by a handful of Christian men who desired an alternative to the present fraternal lifestyle. A group of Christian men met and planned the “BYX Island Party” to formally announce the fraternity’s founding. It was the vision of the founding fathers to have a fraternity of committed Christian men, based on the unique brotherhood that a Christian atmosphere affords, for the purpose of fellowship and glorification of Jesus Christ. Through such events as parties, service projects, and evangelical outreaches, the charter members of Beta Upsilon Chi chose to unite in fellowship and glorify Jesus Christ on the University of Texas campus.

Chapter History

The Psi chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi was founded at LSU by Ryan Anders, Josh Hayden, and Andrew Worrel in the fall of 2008. The summer of that year at Sky Ranch, these Christian men wanted to go back to school with the same Christian atmosphere fostered at the Christian summer camp. Through the help of Tyler Rogers, the President of UGA’s chapter, Ryan, Josh and Andrew along with Eric Blackman, Will Pritchard, James Boyd, Jake Clapp, Caleb Stevens, Steven Rougeou, Josh Droy, and Quentin Manuel, LSU’s BYX chapter was established on campus as a path for Christians who want to get involved in a Christian organization but also an active fraternity. BYX brings with it accountability and Christian brotherhood to Baton Rouge that unites Christians of all backgrounds to be “a light upon a hill” for all to see.

As of October 17, 2008, we are proud to announce that the Louisiana State University has become the Psi Chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi, making them the 23rd chapter in our fraternity.

Founding Fathers

Andrew Worrel, Caleb Stephens, Erik Blackmon, Jake Clapp, Josh Hayden, Joshua Droy, Quentin Manuel, Ryan Anders, Steven Rougeou, William Pritchard, James Boyd

Chapter Sponsors: Loren Hsiao, David Thompson

© 2025 Beta Upsilon Chi, inc. | Official website of Beta Upsilon Chi - Louisiana State University